Thursday, August 6, 2009

July Missions Gathering

The July meeting was a blessing as Harry and Elaine Ellis shared photos and a report on their recent trip to Dubai, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Frank shared some photos and a report on the work
in the Philippines. Here are a few pics too... Enjoy!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Surprise 70th Birthday Party for Frank

Friday, June 12th was an awesome time of fellowship and fun as we put on a surprise birthday party for Frank Deitz. It was held at Adventure Church in Rocklin, CA. and between 70 and 80 people were in attendance. The theme was "Frank Deitz, the Indiana Jones of Missions". Here are a few pics. for your enjoyment! The picture of the week is also from that night.

Dale & Elaine Rhoton honoring Frank & Anneli, and the panel of roasters

Some of the younger Family members, and the BIG Cake

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jesus talked about You!

Last week the Greene Flock was in John Chapter 17. This is the high priestly prayer of Jesus shortly before he was arrested. As with so much of the book of John, this prayer is so packed full of incredible truths it is easy to just read them over without stopping to soak in their implications. For instance, think about this fact, Jesus not only prayed for himself and his disciples, but he prayed for you and I. His love extended from that moment over 2000 years ago to this very moment in time to touch our lives today. Not only that, but his prayer was the same for us as it was for the disciples who had spent 3 years of their lives walking with him every day. He wants us to all be with him and he wants us to know him, that the love God the father had for him may be in us, and that Jesus himself might be in us (vs 26). This carries huge implications not only for our lives, but for the world! I challenge you to read John Chapter 17 again very slowly, one sentence at a time. See yourself in it...You were there!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Stage is set for Victory

At our last "Mission's Flock" Frank gave us an overview of the progression of the kingdom of God through history. As he came to the 21st century he stated that the "stage is set for victory" but we face many challenges such as global terrorism, moral breakdown, the rise of tyrannical governments, a crisis of truth, and what does it mean to be human. I agree with his assessment. But, in view of these tremendous challenges you may ask, how can he can say the stage is set for victory?

If you look at the financial crisis in the US and throughout the world. If you look at the aids orphans in Africa. If you look at the powder keg that is threatening to blow up in the middle east. If you look at the magnitude and frequency of natural disasters occurring throughout the world. The list goes on and on. To some, it must certainly look like the world has gone beyond a tipping point, beyond the point of no return! Ahhh, but that is just the point. If you know the Scriptures you would see that God steps in just when things seem to be beyond hope. When the circumstances appear impossible he steps in to show man again and again that he has not abandoned his creation. He reminds man that they are not in control. History is in God's hands. It always has been and always will be. The victory is his. So, it would appear the stage is set. What do you think?