Monday, December 8, 2008

No Longer in Darkness

Christmas time reminds me that when Christ stepped into this world everything changed from that point on. That change was as light piercing the darkness. Isaiah 9:2 says "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the shadow of death a light has dawned." and in John 8:12 Jesus said "I am the light of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Although Jesus brought the "light of life" into the world, much of this world still chooses to walk in the darkness rather than the light. We who have the "light of life" (Jesus) must let this light shine before men. Too many people who call themselves followers of Christ have hidden that light and ended up trapped in the ways of the world. They are convinced that they are Christians, but no one (including themselves) can see the light of Christ working in their lives. God, forgive us! This is the American Church. If our country can't see the light of Christ burning brightly in His people, all they will see is DARKNESS!

This Christmas let's take a serious check on how brightly Christ is shinning through us. In Philippians 2:14 the apostle Paul admonishes us to "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life..." So, shine baby shine!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 1 Missions Gathering

Frank shared from 1 Peter 5. There are many things that have yet to be done that Christians have not completed. However, they must be done in humility. The Lord said let the tares and the wheat grow together. They will be separated at the harvest. At harvest time the way you can tell the wheat from the tares is that the wheat begins to bend over. This is humility!

There was also discussion of evil connections between modern liberalism and water gods & goddesses. The greatest concentration of liberalism seems to be in places with lots of water such as the east coast, west coast, and the great lakes area. It seems that Obamas grandmother also dedicated him to a water god in a river in Kenya.

Sean Cole also was with us and shared what the Lord has been doing in his life lately. He said he has been impressed more than ever that we are in a spiritual battle, and some of these battles can be won by prayer only. John 9:4 has also been speaking to him about working while there is time. He has a real sense of urgency. At the same time he is waiting on the Lord, focusing on prayer and ministering to those God puts in his life. His relationship with his girl friend has been
put on hold right now.

With regard to his future, he is waiting upon the Lord. He does not sense the Lord's leading to go back to Egypt right now. However, He does sense a calling to minister to Muslims. He attended a conference at 1st Covenant Church on outreach to Muslims here in the US. The group he is looking at is called "The Crescent Project". He also shared how he had the privilege to lead a man to the Lord recently at a church retreat.

He also asked us to continue to pray for Egypt. There is a shift going on in the leadership of OM Egypt. Some hurt feelings are involved. Severin, one of his team mates while there is also back in the US and looking for the Lords leading also. Victor, another team member is still working there and needs our prayers.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chacko Thomas

We had a wonderful Missions flock meeting last night! Chacko shared about what the Lord has been doing in his life, about his upcoming mission trip to India and Nepal, and about what the Lord has been doing in that part of the world. I will share more about it in an upcoming blog.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Homecoming Month

It looks like September is a homecoming month! Our beloved Sean Cole will be returning from Egypt around the middle of the month. Praise the Lord! We look forward to seeing him and hearing about all the Lord has been doing in his life.

The Quayles have also returned from their 5 week trip to Europe. Jim had a wonderful time visiting with his brother whom he hasn't seen for 18 years. They also enjoyed touring in Greece, Italy, Switzerland, France, England, Germany, and Austria.

The Ames are also going to be returning home from a three week trip to the northwest.

Tony Matracia has also returned from South Africa, and we look forward to his report.

So, be sure to make it to the Mission's flock meeting on the 13th to see everyone and get caught up on the summer's activities!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Picture of the Week

You will notice the picture of the week is my daughter Janna. Please pray for the Lord to fill her and guide her. She lives and works in Portland Oregon. She has been strongly influenced by the liberal northwest world view although she is a graduate of Moltnomah Bible College.

If you have prayer requests, and/or have a picture you would like to share please forward it to me and I will post it.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Flesh and Blood

In John 6:53 Jesus said "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves." This was a defining moment for his disciples and for the course of his ministry from this point forward. Although Jesus went on to explain in verse 63 "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words I have spoken to you are spirit and are life." many disciples withdrew from him and did not walk with him anymore. He also said in verse 47 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who beleives has eternal life."

He was trying to tell them 1.) that he had to give up his flesh and his blood at the cross. This is the bread of life he was discussing. In 1Corinthians 11 at the last supper Jesus broke the bread and said "this is my body which is broken for you" and in the same way he took the cup and said "this cup is the new covenant in my blood"; and 2.) he was trying to tell them that by beleiving in his words we all may partake in his flesh and his blood. After many of his disciples left him he turned to the 12 and asked them if they wanted to leave too. Peter answered "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life".

John Chapter 6 was the subject of our study last night at the "Greene Flock". We also shared communion together in remembrance of the Lord's giving of his body and his blood for us.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sorry About That

If you have been checking in on this blog you have noticed I have been a little delinquent about keeping it up to date... Sorry about that! But, since I haven't heard from anyone about it I have decided that no one cares anyway. So, I have lost my motivation. But, I appologize for my attitude too. I know the Lord has led me to do this. So, I know he is looking at it. If I remember scripture correctly I think it says something about whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord.

Although I haven't kept the blog site up to date, the flocks are still meeting as usual. We have been continuing our study in the gospel of John on Wednesday nights at the "Greene Flock". It has been a rich and rewarding time.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Good Report

The "Missions Flock" on Saturday was an amazing time of hearing and seeing what the Lord has been doing. Frank briefly reported on his trip to South America. His last sermon there was on "Occupying the gates". Many non-Christians are influencing our culture and making decisions that affect us all without truth. As the scriptures say their thinking is futile. Frank has been impressed that God's people need to take a more prominent roll in influencing our society. Mic also shared how the book 'Seven Women Will Take Hold of one Man' has impacted his life. He has been especially influenced to pray more for the manifest presence of God in our lives. This is the special presence of God that can not be denied. He gave the example of the Azusa City Church prayer meeting that was going on during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The roof of the building they were meeting in was on fire, but it was not consumed. The manifest presence makes things different so people notice. Frank gave an example of a church in Lake land Florida where amazing healings are taking place. Percy shared a healing in their church last week that was a result of prayer. Melanie also shared about the most recent status of the new prayer ministry called "Fire Starters". She also handed out some brochures. A majority of the meeting was hearing a report from Bill, Tony, and Shirley about their recent trip to Germany to work on the new ship "Logos Hope". We also saw a video Shirley had made touring the ship. As always, we had a wonderful time of prayer. At the end of the meeting Jim mentioned that RCCF was starting a benevolence fund for those in need, donations could be made by writing a check to RCCF and write benevolence fund on the bottom.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Things are not what they seem

Last Wednesday the "Greene Flock" had another new visitor. It was one of Jessie's friends, Kyle. He, like Jessie, is struggling to find the Lord's direction for his life. It was great to have him come. We pray he will be a regular.

The subject of our discussion was "Things are not what they seem". We looked at 2 kings 6 when Elisha prayed that his servant's eyes would be open to see the spiritual army around them. We also looked at Daniel's visions of angels. As believers in the lord Jesus Christ we must always remember that what we see in the physical world is not all that is going on. There are always spiritual activities associated with what is going on too. In the book of Ephesians our brother Paul prays, like Elisha did, that the eyes of our hearts might be opened.

We also had a wonderful time of questions about the Bible. Copies of the book of John were also passed out, and we ended in a time of prayer.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Member

The Greene Flock met last Wednesday evening and had a new member in attendance. It was Gary's son Jessie. He is 19 years old. He received the Lord when he was 12 at RCCF, but has not been attending church since then. Please pray for him as he is seeking to renew his relationship with the Lord and do what is right.

Our discussion was centered around Romans Chapter 8. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. This is a spiritual law that is as true as the physical law of gravity. Yet, we do not often hear this preached about. For those who recognize their hopelessness and have put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ they do not have to worry about the condemnation of God in the last day. This should be a life transforming truth yet so many children of God have not grasped it. May we meditate on this truth this week, and allow the holy spirit to quicken it to our hearts and minds.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wounded Hearts Continued

The "Greene Flock" met again on Wednesday. We looked at some Bible characters who had experienced many wounds to their hearts, yet allowed the Lord to heal those wounds and went on to be used geatly by the Lord. The first one was Joseph, the next was David, and the third was Mary, the mother of Jesus. They did not give in to the temptations of the flesh to get discouraged, become bitter, and give up. They trusted in the Lord and his promises. We also had a wonderful time of sharing and prayer.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Land of Contrasts

At "Missions Flock" last night we got a glimpse of the wonderful land of India! Mic and Melanie shared their pictures and shared their impressions. It was their first trip there evoking many emotions, but the theme seemed to be that this land was place of tremendous contrast!

They spent their time in the south-western state of Carnatica, and visited in the cities of Bangalore, Goa, Hublie, and Mumbai. Melanie was overwhelmed at first with comparing everything with the US, but once she was able to set those thoughts aside she was able to appreciate the beauty and richness of their culture. She was most impressed by the believers there. Although they have very little and spend much of their energies just obtaining the basic necessities of life, they are so willing to lay their lives down in full obedience to the Lord. Their churches are alive, and just make US churches look luke warm. From a businessman's perspective Mic saw great opportunities, especially in the area of electrical power. The infrastructure cannot keep up with the demand. He also sees business and missions working hand in hand. Business from the christian perspective there is a "no-brainer" because we do not have the religious stigma they often have with the things of the world such as considering cows sacred. They now have so many cows that they eat more than enough grain to feed the whole country. He also shared about an Indian business known as "Kingfisher". They have an incredible customer service ethic which is sorely lacking in American businesses.

Frank again discussed the importance of holding a biblical worldview. He went over the questions that must be answered: 1) How did everything get here? 2) Why are we different? 3) Why is the world so messed up?, and 4) How can it be fixed? We then went over how Hindu, Muslim, and our western worldviews answer these questions. What we see is a great clash in worldviews. What is especially sad is that many American Christians, including many pastors do not have a biblical worldview.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wounded Hearts

The "Greene Flock" met last night. The discussion was concerning our hearts. I believe scripture teaches that the condition of our hearts is the most important thing to God. He tells us to "watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23) When the lord looks at us he looks at our hearts more than anything else. "...for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance,but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

Unfortunately, over the years our hearts have been wounded by others or ourselves. These wounds have a great deal to do with who we are today. Many of us have chosen to bury many of these wounds, some of us have chosen to minimize them, some have just resigned themselves to the fact that this is just the way things are and they can do nothing about it. The enemy of our souls loves for us to do this because it keeps us from dealing with them. He wants to cripple our lives and keep us from the fullness that God has intended for us. The Lord Jesus Christ came that we might have life, and have it to the full, or abundantly. For this to occur we must allow Him to heal our hearts and make them whole. The first step is of course believing in Christ and inviting him into our hearts. Many Christians feel that once they have take that step that is all they need do. But, the Lord has so much more for us to enjoy if we then allow him to search our hearts and see if there be any wicked way in us as the psalmist says. To ask him to heal every wound and make our hearts whole again. As King David said in Psalm 51 "create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right spirit within me".

At our next meeting we will continue this discussion and look at some examples of others whose hearts have been severely wounded, but who have found the Lord's healing touch.

Monday, March 3, 2008

River City Resurrection

I have created this site to serve as a forum for discussion and to share information regarding River City Christian Fellowship.

Yes, that's right. River City is being resurrected. The Lord is not finished with it yet. But, it is taking on a new form. It is not the traditional "attracting" form of ministry that it once was. It is now an emerging church with an emphasis on "going" to where the people and the needs are. It currently consists of two separate "cell" groups or what we call "flocks". These flocks are the core of the church. As the Lord blesses we will be adding many more flocks. The first flock is the "Missions Flock ". This flock is led by Frank Dietz and meets once a month. The second flock is the "Greene Flock". This one is led by Jim Quayle and meets at Gary and Linda Greene's house. Please pray that we may see many lives radicaly changed by the love of Jesus Christ as his spirit works through us.