If you have found this site because deep down in your heart you know Christ intended his church to be more than what the traditional church has offered, don't be discouraged. We have been on the same journey, and believe me...there is a whole lot more for you!
We are a group of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that have broken away from the traditional American church. When we first started we were a small intimate fellowship seeking spiritual reality. We found that reality in our small fellowship, and functioned well for fourteen years. However, we found it a constant struggle to retain a full time pastor and pay for all the expenses associated with renting a building. We also discovered that we were trying to fit what the Lord was doing in us into the traditional church mold we had all learned from past experience. Ultimately, what we are learning is that we have been hindering the work of the Holy Spirit by trying to force everything into that "traditional mold". So, we have become more of a network of believers supporting one another in small groups.
If you are interested in finding out more about us or wish to start a group in your home we would be glad to help. Just make a comment on this blog site or contact Jim Quayle at jquayle1@gmail.com or call him at (916)612-5547.